Baby & Me Tobacco Free

Baby and Me Tobacco Free is a smoking/vaping cessation program created to reduce the burden of tobacco use in pregnant and postpartum women. Women who quit smoking/vaping are less likely to have premature and low birth weight babies. This change in behavior also reduces the damaging effects of secondhand smoke on their children.

Anyone who smokes/vapes or who recently quits smoking/vaping and is pregnant qualifies for the program.  Pregnant women can earn up to $350.00 in free diapers and wipes if they remain smoke free.  A partner (any support person residing with the pregnant participant) is now eligible for an additional $300.00 in diapers and wipes if they also quit smoking and remain smoke free.

Quitting smoking or vaping is the most important thing a pregnant woman can do to protect her health and the health of her baby.  Chaffee County Public Health is committed to help women quit.

For more information please contact: 
Bev Orrill, Chaffee County Public Health


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