
The Chaffee County Land Use Code includes regulations on zoning, subdivisions, roads, development standards, uses of private property, and areas and activities of state interest (1041 regulations).

All counties in Colorado were required to adopt regulations for subdivision in land in 1972 as a result of SB-35. Zoning Regulations have been authorized since the early 1970s. Chaffee County first adopted subdivision regulations in 1972, and adopted its first zoning resolution in 1974.

Chaffee County Assessor Searchable Zoning Map

Chaffee County has a searchable zoning map available through the Chaffee County Assessor's website, which can provide information on property zoning, floodplains, and other helpful information. This page is available at Chaffee County Assessor. 

Land Use Code

On January 7, 2014 the Chaffee County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 2014-01 adopting a new Chaffee County Land Use Code, including zoning regulations and subdivision regulations and incorporating the previously adopted Right to Farm and Ranch Ordinance and Special Events Regulations. All ordinances and resolutions in conflict with Ordinance 2014-01 were repealed. This version of the Land Use Code took effect on February 15, 2014.

Beginning in 2022, the County is comprehensively updating and amending the Land Use Code. As code text amendments are adopted and become effective through this process, they will be updated here. The public can monitor the LUC update initiative at www.TogetherChaffeeCounty.org.

     Resolution 2022-67, "Adopting Amendments to the Chaffee County Land Use Code for Module 1 of the Land Use Code Rewrite Project," codifies the initial set of amendments (summarized here) adopted on October 11, 2022. On June 6, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners amended some of the Module 1 language. The current Code, including all amendments as of June 6, 2023, is below. 

Land Use Code Cover Sheet
List of Text Amendments

Chaffee County Land Use Code - current as of June 6, 2023

Article 1 - General Administration 
Article 2 - Zoning 
Article 3 - Right to Farm and Ranch
Article 4 - Application and Review Procedures
Article 5 - Division of Land 
Article 6 - Planned Development 
Article 7 - Standards 
Article 8 - Signs 
Article 15 - Definitions 

Chaffee County Zoning Map                                  

Planning & Zoning Resolutions and Ordinances

Commercial Land Use Policy

The County utilizes the Commercial Land Use Policy to review non-residential land use change applications for consistency with policy goals related to location, limiting strip development, and provision of adequate facilities for new development.

Areas and Activities of State Interest (1041 Regulations)

The State of Colorado authorized counties to adopt regulations for certain areas and activities of state interest through the adoption of HB-1041 in 1974, where the regulations get their name.  The statutes allow counties to regulate a wide range of projects, including siting of new highways and airports, development of water and wastewater treatment systems, and new communities. The regulations are in addition to any zoning or subdivision regulations which may apply to a project.

1041 regulations are not intended to prohibit these projects, but are intended to allow for public review and comment, and to require mitigation for any impacts which may result from the project.  Chaffee County first adopted 1041 regulations in 1991 to apply to water and wastewater projects.  The regulations were amended in 2003 to add regulations for new communities and protection of significant wildlife habitat.

Chapters 1 - 5 Original Regulations adopted 1991, revised June 2003
     - Chapter 1 - Administrative
     - Chapter 2 - Permit Regulations
     - Chapter 3 - Efficient Utilization of Municipal and Industrial Water Projects
     - Chapter 4 - Site Selection of New Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems
     - Chapter 5 - Extension of Existing Domestic Water and Sewage Treatment Systems
Chapter 8 - Site Selection and Development of New Communities (Adopted June 2003)
Chapter 9 - Regulations for Development in Areas Containing or Having a Significant Impact Upon
                    Natural Resources of Statewide Importance (Adopted August 2003)
                      - Exhibit D Significant Wildlife Habitat
Chapter 10 - Guidelines and Regulations for the Use of Geothermal Resources for Commercial Production
                      of Electricity


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